Jul 122012

9:30 Registration

10:00 Shintaido to Start the Day

Masashi Minagawa – Leader of Shintaido in the UK

10:15 Interventional Methods

Professor Thomas J. Vogl, M.D. – Diagnostic Radiologist Head of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University of Frankfurt

11.45 Break

12:05 Making The Right Treatment Choices For you

Dr Rosy Daniel – Integrative Medical Consultant

1:05 Lunch

2:15 A choice of 5 Workshops:

Either one workshop of two hour,  or 2 workshops of 1 hour.
You will need to make your choice on arrival at the conference. We advise you to decide in advance and it will work on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

3:15 Break

3:35 Workshops: (Cont.)

4:40 Q&A with our panel of Integrative Health-care Experts:

Dr Rosy Daniel, Barbara Wren, Gosia Gorman, Martin Powell, Dr Judy Seeger, Fiona Shakeela Burns, Dr Dana Flavin, Robin Daly, Dee Atkinson,

5:45 Finish